Orkut chat Online
If you are born in the year 2000, you might have memories of Orkutchat. was in trend in the year 2004. Facebook and Orkut chat came at the same time in the internet world.
If we compare Orkutchat with other social networks like Facebook and skype, myspace, Orkut chat was too familiar. When Orkutchat was started, the majority of the users were from the USA with 52 % of the total hold and then the rest of the countries like Brazil, Japan, and India too.
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Orkutchat was a social networking platform where users were able to send text messages, images, videos, and emoticons to their friends and family. At the same time, Facebook was growing at a rapid speed over the internet with the increase of a huge fan base, but Orkut was totally different with its features as compared to others.
With the growth of different social platforms, all were set for the race to gain the majority of users. Orkut’s unique features took it to the next level of chatting experience, users still miss those features. On the other side, in those days Facebook was in full blast getting the user traffic.
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There are various reasons for the failure of Orkutchat which include strategic and market shift. At that time Orkut had a great base in different countries like India, Brazil, and so on. Many of us, who are online chat, still miss the Orkut features. It was provided by Google.
Finally, Orkut was ended up on 30 Sept 2014 but the history which Orkut created that time is unforgettable.
In view of this, we are back with Chatsoman.com with more features as compared to Orkut chat.
Chatsoman.com is designed to connect with friends online and bring back the old memories of Orkutchat. Chatsoman provides the platform to communicate and way of interacting with families and friends.
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Same as Orkut chat, on chatsoman users can upload pics, share YouTube links, and can send voice notes to their friends, and listen to the songs over the radio at the same time.
Chatsoman provides a facilitative domain to people all over the world. You guys will find the same features on chatsoman.com as compared to your loved one Orkut/chat.
On chatsoman, you can interact with thousands of people from all over the world. It offers free online chat to everyone. Chatsoman is a great substitute for Yahoo messenger as well as skype, Facebook, and Orkutchat.
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Chatsoman.com is well designed to use it with ease without any registration needed, simply log in as a guest and explore your world of chatting.Chatsoman.com is a perfect method of maintaining your community-based life.
So, connect yourself on chatsoman.com and make uncountable friends and enjoy the old-school feeling of Orkutchat.
Anywhere you go, stay connected on chatsoman.com
You will feel the friendly vibes on chatsoman.com and will feel the emotional signals in your social interactions.
Chatsoman.com is an entertainment and fun place to chit chat and its purpose is to provide you a way through which you can make new friends with positive vibes and keep in touch with them.
It can be interesting to communicate and chat about a variety of topics and hold discussions with different people you meet online and be able to gather new learnings along with unforgettable friends in a friendly and secure chat site – Chatsoman.com
Chatsoman.com is a smartphone-friendly website that can be easily accessible on any modern browser. Our Cody chat structure will give you a native mobile experience. Hurry up and join chatsoman.com to experience the Orkut chat alternative.
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